Question 1: Do you pull your hair back all the time so that it is getting moldy?
Hahaha! I totally worried about that for the first month of so of my mission. I always pull my hair back because if I don't it goes bonkers because the wind is so strong here, but I put it back after it dries. We don't use blow driers, but I shower in the morning and then have a electric fan on while we study and then by the end of studying, it's dry! So yeah. My hair is definitely not moldy.
Question 2: What good questions did you ask people this week? ;D
Actually, the first question that came to my mind was the baptismal commitment. That is probably the most important of all the questions that a missionary could ask. It takes faith, but it is important to extend even in the first or second lesson so that they can develop real intent and prepare to live and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sister Anunciado has been really good at asking the question. Proud of her! Other questions asked recently, "What do you feel when you walk into a place where everyone is smoking?" "Do you feel that your prayer was answered?" "What was the question you asked God?" "When you pray, do you feel that God is listening?" "What did Jesus do?"
I try to make the questions not yes or no questions, but sometimes that's hard when extending commitments and following up, in which case, it's all about the follow-up questions.
Okay, so we had a great week! Sister Anunciado told me that missionaries who serve in their area told her that time goes by really slowly as a missionary. Ambot sa ila. I told her the time in my mission has just flown by! I was glad to hear her comment the other day that time has been going by really fast. :D
I am loving the extra hour of study we have. Our Ward Mission Leader thinks that proselyting is more effective than an extra hour of study, but I think the extra hour of study is inspired. We love practicing and repracticing. It really helps us to evaluate and make changes in our practices and in our actual lessons with investigators.
Love you all!
Sister Marriott
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